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by The Brothers Grimm

Wigs, Hair and Makeup Designed by Maria Pavlou

Character realisations of 'Gothel' and 'Rapunzel', wigs made, styled and applied

Including wig cage construction, foundation making, knotting, blending & toning hair, bald cap application, SFX/period/straight makeup

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
by Hans Janowitz and Carl Mayer, Dir. Robert Wiene

Character realisation of 'Francis' c.1910-1920

Inspired by the scenes within the Asylum and First World War victims

Part of a collaboration with 3D Effects

Fully knotted toupee/topper wig, partial lace front on the parting, synthetic hair colour blended to match natural hair, period hairstyle

Moustache made with synthetic hair with added texture, mixed with dyed yak hair, set with pomade and wax

Make-up applied for the character to appear sickly and gaunt, along with a war wound scar prosthetic

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Francis
Interview with te Vampire
Interview with the Vampire Celeste
Interview with the Vampire
by Anne Rice

Character realisation of 'Celeste'


Lace-front wig made with human hair, front and top sections have been knotted and weft attached to the rest of the wig, hair styled to suit the period

Period make-up suitable for late Victorian/Parisian era c.1870s also including elements of the vampire

Subtle scar prosthetics on the neck

The Magic Flute (Die
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Character realisation of 'Papagena'

Part of a collaboration with Costume


3/4 wig synthetic hair made to blend with the natural hair and to add length, natural style texture added to hair and braids heavily inspired by the German Renaissance period

Period make-up suitable for 16th century

Forehead prosthetic inspired by bird feathers and the theme of nature

The Magic Flute Papagena
The Magic Flute
The Visit Friedrich Durrenmatt
The Visit Claire
The Visit
by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Character realisation of 'Claire Zachanassian'


Hard-front synthetic wig with concealed wig cage


Nose prosthetic and

make-up inspired by the 1950s period with elements of grotesque and caricature 

The Nightingale
by Hans Christian Andersen

Character realisation of 'Death'


Including hair-styling and make-up 

Inspired by traditional Asian theatre including Chinese opera and Kabuki influences

The Nightingale Hans Christian Andersen Death
The Nightingale Hans Christian Andersen Death
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